There are three types of dreams: 1) Day Dream: a drift in our minds to a more pleasant imaginary place from where we are at the present moment—a short reprieve from reality. 2) Sleep Dream: Our minds create a story from the events/thoughts in our day and 3) Destiny Dream: The desire, the longing to realize our purpose. The Art of Imagine ignites our Destiny Dream. It is the finesse of the Art that nourishes the seed—your dream—to grow within us. Do you have a dream simmering inside of you? A dream is not just a dream. It takes hard work. Today, let’s hunt for our destiny dream. To set it on fire. To imagine and embark onto the path you are meant to chase after. Here are a few tips to discover the Art of Imagine:
Carl Sandburg Nothing happens unless first a dream
1) Create a Plan: It takes a plan to keep a dream alive. Several times a day, imagine yourself living your dream. Speak your dream aloud. There is power behind your words, your proclamation. If your mind hears the repetitive affirmation of your dream, then it’ll take form and become a reality. Remember “Vision comes before execution.” We must “see” it in our mind’s eye first, then our brain can manufacture it into a reality. Once we engage in the Art of Imagine, a path will roll out before us. Once we take the first step, then all the others shall follow.
Unknown Author: Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
3) Mobility: Put feet to your dream. Keep motivated, because motivation doesn’t see roadblocks. It only sees possibilities. Keep climbing. Keep seeing. Keep trying. Be poised, ready to take a risk. Risk ushers us to discover new levels of accomplishment by stepping outside of our comfort zone. It is then that the right people will join our journey. They are our helpers. They will keep pushing us forward. And finally be patient. It doesn’t matter how fast we get to our dream. It matters that we keep moving and following the path of our destiny dream.