Friday, August 10, 2012

Brain Balance

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” --- Jim Ryun

How’s your brain performing? Oh please. This isn’t a rhetorical question. Just hang with me. Seriously, as we embark upon choosing our Presidential choice, voting the right person to set our great country in an upward mobile direction and all the other horrors of the worldwide economy tagging along, “How is your brain doing?” The human brain seeks a state of balance and when that balance is disturbed a great deal of energy is generated to get it back in balance. So, how do we maintain internal balance?

Live in the Moment: True living is always NOW. It’s not regretting the past—it’s already gone—wave good-bye to it. It’s not worrying about the future—who can anticipate what might or might not happen tomorrow? Awaken your heart to this very moment. Approach this moment with an alert mind. Forbid thoughts from the past and the future to intrude into your moment. Allow only “right now” thoughts. Ask yourself, “What do I know right now?” Then listen to the gentle whisper of The Moment. If you’re experiencing a financial dilemma your Moment may say, Right now the refrigerator is full—you will not starve. Right now the utilities are paid—the fridge is cold. Right now, life is good. This is your moment of discovery—stay focused on the positive things in your life.

“Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing.” --- Zig Ziglar

Live in Gratitude: It’s really tough to be depressed and grateful at the same time. When we welcome the moment, we embrace it with gratitude—tricky to separate the two. Recognizing what we have in the moment—naming the things that are positive—escorts us to a place of thanksgiving. Based upon the awareness of the Moment previously mentioned, think of three things to be thankful for: Thank you, my fridge is full. Thanks, my utilities are paid. Thanks that I’m okay...and you will be okay in the next moment...and the moments after that! Practice an attitude of gratitude—make it a habit. Living in Gratitude is accepting responsibility for your own well-being.

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